Winter is a beautiful time of year in Canada, but when the temperature drops below zero our skin and hair often suffers. Continuous exposure to the cold elements outdoors, along with the hot, dry air indoors will result in unfavorable skin and hair conditions. Dry, itchy scalp, flyways, brittle hair, rough skin, chapped lips, rashes, and bumps are all too common during the winter months. To remedy the less desirable effects of this season, read our skin and hair saving tips below.

1.  Avoid hot showers. As tempting as it is to have regular hot showers during winter, doing this will cause your skin and hair to dry out. If you cannot bear to lower the water temperature try to finish your shower with a cold-water rinse.

2.  Use a natural body brush. Exfoliate your skin using either a dry or wet body brush. Dry brushing is great for scaly skin and it boosts circulation, you will immediately feel warmer once you are done. When dry brushing start at your feet, then work your way up towards your heart. In the bath or shower a long-handled brush or loofah works wonders if you tend to get itchy, dry bumps on your back.

3.  Use a humidifier. Indoor heating will cause the air to become hot and dry, creating skin, hair, and breathing issues. Rehydrate the air by using a humidifier. This will help with static electricity, dry, brittle hair, and cracked skin and lips. Be sure to keep your body hydrated as well, we can feel less inclined to drink cold water during winter, try warm water with lemon or herbal teas to keep your hydration levels up.

4.  Use sulfate-free skin and hair cleansers. Sulfates in body washes and shampoos can dry out skin and hair at any time of year, especially during winter. Choose sulfate-free products when washing. Products that are plant-based, non-toxic, and cruelty-free, are the gentlest on skin and hair, and for our planet. Use products that are free of synthetic fragrances, as they can aggravate skin conditions. Try using products that are made with essential oils instead, as they provide enormous skin and hair care benefits and also smell amazing. If you are pregnant or nursing check with your doctor first before using products with essential oils.

5. Wear SPF. Summer may be over but it does not mean you should skip your SPF. Although UVB levels are lower they are still present, and UVA levels are significant during winter so be sure to protect your skin with an SPF all year round. Wear a hat to protect your hair from winter’s harsh elements.

6. Use face and hair oils. A nourishing plant-based face oil or heavy cream at night will help to deeply moisturize and protect skin from drying out. A botanical hair oil is great to use as a deep conditioning treatment for healing brittle hair and split ends, while using an oil-based hair serum before styling will help to prevent frizzy, and flyaway hair.

7.  Avoid alcohol-based skin and hair care products. Alcohol in products such as toners and hair sprays can cause moisture loss and exacerbate dry skin and hair during the winter months. Gentle products that are alcohol-free are helpful to use in wintertime when skin and hair are prone to being more fragile.

8. Use moisturizing face and hair masks. Try using a moisturizing face and hair mask at least once a week to combat tight skin, and brittle hair. Oatmeal and banana face masks work well for all skin types, including sensitive skin, (unless you have allergies to either one, in which case it is not recommended.) Oatmeal both tones and moisturizes skin, and can help to heal skin conditions. Bananas are beneficial for skin and hair as they are gentle, rich in nutrients, and contain natural antioxidants. Bananas, along with avocados work well in a hair mask mixed with coconut or olive oil. See our recipes below for a DIY Banana Oatmeal Face Mask and a DIY Banana Coconut Hair Mask.

9. Use a body scrub. A moisturizing body scrub is your best friend during the winter months for preventing rough, dry, and bumpy skin. For recipes, see our body scrub blog here: Hydrate afterwards with a nourishing body oil or butter to seal in moisture and keep skin smooth.

10. Take a bath. Soak in a milk or Epsom salt bath to silken skin and relax muscles. Baths are the perfect remedy for the cold, winter blues. Use bath time to hydrate skin and hair with bath oils, masks, and scrubs. Try using aromatherapy products during bath time to benefit your skin and hair, and to relax and elevate your mood.


1/2 cup Dry Rolled Oats - blended + sifted

1/2 Ripe Banana - peeled + cut

1 tbsp Rose water or Distilled water

1 tbsp Vegetable Glycerin

Blend a 1/2 cup of dry rolled oats for several minutes then sift out into a bowl. You should be left with approx. 1/4 cup of fine oatmeal powder. (You can skip this step but the mask will have a chunkier texture and will not apply as smoothly or evenly.) In a separate small bowl place the cut up and peeled ripe banana, approx. 8-10 pieces. Add either the rose water or distilled water and the vegetable glycerin. (Rose water and vegetable glycerin can be found at your local health food store.) Mash and mix together until the consistency is similar to a loose puree. Add a heaping tbsp of powdered oatmeal and mix together, continue adding and mixing until you have added a total of 3 heaping tbsps of powdered oatmeal. This should be the right consistency for application, however if you would like it thicker add more oatmeal powder. Apply an even layer to face, neck, and chest areas. Leave on for 20 - 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.


1 Ripe Banana - peeled + cut

1 tbsp Coconut Milk Powder

2 tbsp Coconut Oil

1/2 tsp Vitamin E Oil

In a small bowl mash up the banana. Add the coconut oil, coconut milk powder, and vitamin e oil. Mix together until the consistency is smooth. Apply all over hair, cover with a shower cap and leave in for 20 minutes then shampoo out.
